The company reports that market trend are for specified functions in current measurement systems. The main focus is on achieving dielectric strength that is as high as possible in line with the intended application. High dielectric strength must be guaranteed in battery-powered vehicles, for example.
The IVT-S shunt-based measurement system has a maximum dielectric strength of 1,000V. Its functional range includes the measurement of current and voltage in traction battery systems or stationary, electrical energy storage devices. These lithium-ion batteries generate high energy density at which higher voltages can be applied with smaller currents. This is why the sensor’s dielectric strength also has to be correspondingly high − a key quality feature that distinguishes IVT-S. For fast-charging battery systems, this performance feature is extremely important.
Integrated in the IVT-S are a 16-bit AD converter and a CAN 2.0 interface. Firmware converts measurements charge and discharge data. In addition Isabellenhütte provides a CAN description file in *dbc format that helps IVT-S users to swiftly integrate the application.
Read more: Shunt module addresses electric powertrains